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5 Questions to ask to check in with yourself....

Posted by Charlotte Nutland on
5 Questions to ask to check in with yourself....

5 Questions to ask yourself

Asking yourself these questions regularly is a great way of checking in with yourself to see what's going on for you right now. How are you feeling? Are you doing enough stuff to fill up your happy cup? 

1, What or who is making me feel really happy at the moment? 

2. What do I feel excited about for this month? 

3. What is one thing I can do today to help me achieve my long term goals? 

4. What am i thankful for today? 

5. What single thing can I do today to make myself smile?

Listening to yourself is a brilliant way of being Intune with your feelings, emotions, thoughts and moods. Try Diffusing The Quiet Purest Blend as you journal down these thoughts to encourage focus, creativity and to support you to feel more connected to yourself. 

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