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Why you should be using natural Salts in your Bath?

Posted by Charlotte Nutland on
Why you should be using natural Salts in your Bath?

We have been huge fans of bathing with natural salts for years. You know that feeling of sinking into a warm tub of water and how instantly relaxing that feels? Well adding natural and healing salts into your water can have pretty wonderful effects on your mind, body and skin. 

We've taken well over a year to research and develop our Bath Salt range. We wanted to create a blends of salts and natural actives that treat the whole person therefore we've intentionally selected a range of ingredients to sooth and comfort all of you. 

We have combined three types of natural salt each with their own healing properties including; Pink Himalayan, Dead Sea and Epsom.

Why is bathing in salts so good for you?

Bathing in salts has been used therapeutically for thousands of years to support both mental and physical health. Bathing in warm water is naturally very relaxing. Enhancing this routine by soaking with natural salts is also an effective way to absorb vital minerals. 15 minutes soaking in a warm bath of salt infused water allows your skin to absorb minerals such as;  magnesium, phosphorus, selenium, zinc, copper, calcium, manganese, iron and sodium, replenishing your body and reawakening your senses. Many of us are deficient in these minerals.

Our salts can also be used as a gentle scrub, use on feet to gently exfoliate and care for your skin.

Pink Himalayan Bath Salts 

Pink Himalayan Salts are particularly helpful for melting away stress, reducing fatigue and improving emotional health. Coarse grained Himalayan Pink Rock Salt is mined in the foothills of the Himalayan Mountains in Pakistan. It contains an almost identical set of elements as those in our body in the same proportions as occur in our blood.

The distinctive pink colour is due the high mineral content, specifically iron, potassium and magnesium, minerals necessary for optimum health. Being deficient in magnesium can contribute to anxiety.

Epsom Bath Salts 

Epsom Bath Salts are made from pure magnesium sulphate. Cleansing, soothing and reviving and have been traditionally used to support tired and aching muscles.  Epsom Salt is a natural aid for a fit and healthy body. 

Dead Sea Salts 

We source our Dead Sea Salts  from Israel which softens and soothes dry skin and supports natural skin healing.  Naturally rich in Magnesium, Calcium and Potassium. The Dead Sea has been renowned since ancient times when Cleopatra is said to have bathed in the mineral-rich waters to soften and smooth her skin. A natural abundance of minerals such as Magnesium and Potassium is thought to be the Dead Sea's secret to helping maintain nourished skin.

Additional Natural Actives 

We’ve also added in rich actives including caring Arnica Oil to aid the recovery of muscles and mitigate any aches and pains.

Earthy Norwegian Sea Weed extract is full of vital nutrients and is incredible for soothing and nourishing your skin which is why you’ll notice when you step out of the bath your skin feels indulgently soft and cared for.

Our final ingredients are our signature blend of pure essential oils. Harnessing the potency of Aromatherapy with our salts and natural botanical extracts our Salt Blends support you when you need to rest and recover or if you’re feeling run down, under pressure or need to clear your head.

Which blend should I go for? 

Choose our restful and nurturing Lavender, Rose Geranium, Bergamot and Patchouli The Peace blend if you need support to relax and switch off. If you’ve been putting others before yourself and you need help to unwind.

Choose our reviving, head clearing and purifying The Remedy blend infused with Eucalyptus, Lavender and Peppermint if you’re feeling under the weather and are seeking balance and revival.

Poured into our beautiful amber glass apothecary jars to protect your essential oils from UV damage they make an incredible addition to your bathroom. 

Find your perfect blends here 

Refill pouches coming in July. 

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