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Solo Self Care Day | Suggested routine

Posted by Charlotte Nutland on
Solo Self Care Day | Suggested routine

We asked you and 52% said you'd love to take a solo self care day and 48% of you already do. We're so with you. When life is busy and full on we can really forget about what makes us feel good, rested and happy. 

When's the last time you spent a whole day focused on you, the things you like, love and make you feel good. We're inviting you to spend a day date with yourself. A day to reconnect, restore and read a few more pages of your book. 

The Solo Self Care day isnt about an expensive Spa day or a fancy long lunch, whilst things are amazing, at Chapter Organics we believe in simply enhancing everyday routines with aromatherapy and wellbeing. These simple shifts can make such a tangible difference to the way we feel. 

You said you'd love to spend time outside, walk, take a coffee, a long bath and read. We're bringing these simple pleasures to life with our Solo Self Care day experience

Here's a suggested routine for you to try:

Plan your day for maximum benefit and try and remove any of the points that make it feel busy and hectic. Some elements cant be avoided. Buy a new book in advance, have a herbal tea stash ready and some of your favourite nourishing foods, silence your phone. 

Lean into your slower, calmer day with a long lie in or retreating back to bed after a busy school run. Make yourself a warm herbal tea. Hide away with your book and enjoy these quiet moments. 

If you feel guilty or lazy which easily creeps in when you're used to being busy. Remind yourself all things need recharging. Your phone is a great visual example of this. 

Take a morning bath with The Remedy Bathing Salts. The most incredibly restorative and mind clearing experience. Pour a few generous handfuls into your bath, close the door and return to a steam filled room smelling like a luxury spa with Eucalyptus and Lavender to decongest and soothe tense muscles. 

Stretch, mediate, yoga if you'd like too. 

If you want to pop out and take a walk, dress in warm and comfortable clothing. Loose fitting with soft, natural materials. Line up a podcast or some soothing music that makes you feel good. Or be in nature and simply listen to what is around you. Roll of The Self Rollerball  to ground, reconnect and boost feel good thoughts. An instant boost of therapy for when you need some support with self confidence, dreaming, manifestation and self esteem on the go. Roll onto pulse points or our favourite place shoulders and the backs of your neck. Breathe deeply and let the mood enhancing essential oils work their magic. 

Plan a lunch stop. Finish with a cake and tea. Its the little things. 

Create a retreat experience at home and find your favourite shows. Surround yourself with comfy blankets, draw the blinds. Diffuse The Quiet Purest Blend into your Chi Diffuser or Aroma Diffuser/Oil Burner. This blend will help you feel centred, safe and grounded. The oils used for thousands of years in spiritual practice such as Rosemary and Frankincense help you to feel present and focused. 

Leaf through your favourite cookery books and plan something for dinner. 


After dinner, head upstairs earlier than usual and draw the blinds, fluff your pillows and change into a fresh set of Pyjamas. Light The Peace Candle for a few hours and breath in the comforting, restful and deeply peaceful aromas of French Lavender, Italian Bergamot, Rose Geranium, Patchouli and Ylang Ylang blended to take you to a place of deep rest. 

We hope you loved your day. Which elements of this experience can you slot into your everyday routines?

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