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Incorporating Aromatherapy into your everyday routines can have a real difference to your overall feelings of wellbeing. Shifting your moods from frazzled and burnt out to calmer and more restored. Enabling better sleep, giving you a boost of energy and vitality. Creating restful evening routines, a natural boost of self confidence. Totally depending on how you're currently feeling and what you'd like support with. 

I incorporate Aromatherapy during nearly every chapter of my day. Here's some inspiration from my weekly routines. 

Early Morning

Depending on how I wake up I either start with a morning shower or abit of breathwork and grounding. This takes just a few moments but can really help me ease into the day particularly if I know I have alot on. I use either The Quiet Rollerball full of focusing and mood balancing essential oils or I pop a few drops of The Quiet Purest Blend into my Chi Diffuser and allow the breathwork coach guide me. 

If i'm good to go, I hop straight into a warm shower with the vitality enhancing, awakening The Tonic All Over Organic Hand and Body Cleanser. This super bright, citrus, warming Cleanser gives me a wonderful kick start. 


At work, I'm surrounded by Aromatherapy but if im working from home I would usually have a Candle burning on my desk. I just find this gives a really cosy, calm ambience and depending on my mood I pick and choose between the blends. Right now for overall clarity and wellness I love The Remedy it smells like a spa and clears your mind and any stuffy heads. 

If I have a big meeting I will always turn to our confidence boosting The Self blend. I adore The Rollerball and keep this on me at all times with self esteem supporting Cedarwood and Neroili. 


I always keep at Atmosphere and Linen Mist in my car. I switch between the blends depending on what I'm feeling but at the moment I'm really enjoying The Peace. 

I also keep The Peace Organic Hand and Body Moisturiser in my car as its a great time to remind yourself to Moisturise your hands and take care of them especially in winter. It also is a really nice treat when you're driving to breath in those calming oils. 


If I need to pick up a gift for a friend I always think about what they're going through at that time. What blends would they benefit from. I recently visited a friend who had a baby and I always think our blends are perfect for new parents who often get neglected as we tend to buy for the babies. I always gift our Hand and Body Collections and usually our incredible Bathing Salts too. Plus The Remedy Atmosphere and Linen mist is a wonderful natural air freshner. 

Late afternoon

When you're having abit of an energy slump I turn to The Tonic to give me a freshen up in the afternoon. A few drops of our Purest Blends into your Chi Aroma Diffuser and you'll escape to somewhere sunny. 

After School 

After school can be a hectic time for most families and I really like to get super cosy whilst we're all cooking, playing and winding down. I love to light a few candles and set thet tone for the evening ahead. If like me you have a busy, racing mind that always over thinking I love The Quiet to help me disconnect and rebalance. 

If we have a busy house full of play dates then I really rely on my Room Diffusers to do the hard work of keeping our home smelling beautiful and keeping calm without me needing to do anything


Evenings are delightful times, where no matter how tough your day has been you can reclaim some time for yourself. I love to eat early and spend some time relaxing usually with The Peace Candle flickering in the background. 


The Bath Salts win most nights in our house no contest. They're incredibly therapeutic. I use The Remedy after exercise or if I feel like I have a stuffy head or any coughs and colds. The Peace if I want to feel taken care of.


I like to create a really beautiful bedtime experience and usually use The Chi Aroma Diffuser with The Peace Purest Blend and The Peace Rollerball before reading a few pages of my book and nodding off. 


Love, Charlotte x