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Sleep Set

Our sleepiest and most peaceful, relaxing and restful blends designed to help you drift off more easily and stay asleep for longer including Aromatherapy Mist, Bathing Salts and Purest Blend in a cotton cosmetic bag


chapter organics

Many of us struggle with our sleep routines. Whether it be getting to sleep or stay asleep night. We know the difference a consistent sleep routine can make to the quality of your sleep. We've created a routine that makes you want to go to bed and helps you achieve better quality sleep.
If you'd like to find a sleep routine that makes you want to head upstairs, unwind slowly and find new healthy sleep habits. Invite the aromatic and sensory benefits of Aromatherapy into your evening routine and notice how you relax, unwind and drift off more easily.
The Peace Bathing Salts 250ml, The Quiet Purest Essential Oil Blend 100ml and The Peace Aromatherapy Mist 100ml and Organic Cotton Cosmetic Bag
Complimentary Shipping over £75.00 DPD and Royal Mail Options available.